Thornton Dale C of E Primary School

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Thornton Dale Primary School is proud to be part of the educational vision for Elevate Multi Academy Trust, whilst retaining our own strong identity.  The Trustees have allowed its Academies to retain the same composition for their local governing bodies, which is set out below. 

The local governing body exists to help the Academy provide a high quality education for children in a supportive, caring environment. It does this by:

  • setting the Academy's values, vision and strategic direction
  • challenging and supporting the Academy by continually monitoring, reviewing and evaluating its performance
  • ensuring that the Academy is accountable to its children, the local community, those who fund and maintain it and the staff it employs

The three core functions of the local governing board are:

  • To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • To hold the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the Academy and its children.
  • To oversee the financial performance of the academy and make sure its money is well spent.

Governors are also responsible for overseeing the Academy's finances, checking that resources are being managed well and helping with the appointment of staff. We meet five times a year as a local Governing Body with every governor taking on specific link roles within the Academy. Minutes of our meetings are available from the office..


Types of Governors 

There are several different types of Governor:

  • Parent Governor

    Elected from parents at the Academy by parents at the Academy.

  • Staff Governor

    Elected from staff at the Academy by staff at the Academy

  • Co-opted Governors

    Appointed by members of the Local Governing Body. They are intended to be representative of the local community and may add particular kinds of expertise.

  •    Foundation Governor    Foundation governors are representatives of the Church of England. 

           The local vicar is normally appointed as the 'ex-officio' foundation governor;

           The other foundation governor will usually be appointed by York Diocese, following consultation with the local PC 


     Chair of Governors: Gaynor Debarr


c/o Thornton Dale Primary School

Castle Close, Thornton Dale, Pickering. YO18 7TW    




Camarah Mosey: Head teacher

Camarah has worked at Thornton Dale school for a number of years now. A lot of her time has been spent supporting and developing our youngest learners in the Academy. 


Becky Humphreys:  Staff/Acting Head teacher

Becky has been part of the Thornton Dale Team for a number of years.  Over her time at Thornton Dale, she has worked across several different age groups and is dedicated and committed to ensure that all children achieve their full potential. Becky was appointed staff governor in September 2021. 


Rev Joe Kinsella: Foundation governor: Ex Officio

Vacancy: Foundation Governor

Mrs Gaynor De Barr: Co opted and Chair
Having been appointed to the governing body of Thornton Dale by North Yorkshire Local Authority in 2019, Gaynor feels privileged to have been co-opted as a governor as the academy achieved academy status. She was then appointed as Chair in 2021.
Gaynor brings to the board a professional background in education; a retired SENCo with a wide teaching and management experience in both the private and state sector. and has also had many years voluntary service in local government, regionally and nationally, including four terms of office as Town Mayor.  I have a grown family with grandchildren.  I chair my local In Bloom group and am a volunteer with Ryedale Carers.  In her spare time she enjoys gardening, reading, travel and choral singing.
Working within an academy is a new experience for Gaynor and she is proud and encouraged by the academy's journey to date and look forward to being part of the continuing story.
Co opted governor: Vacancy


Parent Governor: Rosie Stoddart


    Both Rosie's children attend Thornton Dale. She has been a governor since 2021 and looks forward to supporting the
    academy however   she can.  When not looking after her children, Rosie works as a veterinary surgeon.. 
Natalie Ellis: Parent governor


   Natalie has been a member of the governing body for over 5 years now. She has 2 children at Thornton Dale Primary School and the eldest attended here too. She is passionate about children feeling safe in their environment and for them to develop a love for learning.

 Along with her husband, Natalie has owned a caravan park and holiday cottage business for the past 15 years in the village. Natalie hopes to bring many skills to the governing body especially personal  experience of problem solving and being able to adapt and deal with ever changing scenarios and to look at situations objectively and offer both challenge and support where needed. 

Natalie enjoys spending time with her family and dog, Lottie and loves to walk in the forestry and when life is not too busy also enjoys running. 





Term of Office

Governor Role

Name of Business

Nature of Business

Nature of Interest

Mrs Camarah Mosey

 Head teacher



Thornton Dale primary school



Becky Humphreys


30.09.2021 to 30.09.2025


 Thornton Dale primary school









Rev Joe Kinsella


 ex officio





Gaynor Debarr - Chair

Co opted

25.03.2021 to 25.03.2025

 SEN & 





Co opted




Natalie Ellis


 22.11.2022 to        22.11.2026




 Rosie Stoddart


 01.09.2021 to 01.09.2025

 Quality of Education




Clerk to the Governors: Dianne Mousley

James Pynn resigned as co-opted governor on 08 October 2023

Natalie Ellis resigned as parent governor on 13th May 2021

Iain Spittal resigned as co opted governor on 25th March 2021

Anthony Towle resigned as parent governor on 25th March 2021

Erin Dysart resigned as associate member on 18th May 2022

REv Sally Kinsley Foundation governor resigned 15.06.2023


Please contact the office at the Academy if you need any further information.