Thornton Dale C of E Primary School

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Our Intent 

Our approach to teaching Design Technology is grounded in the three elements of our school vision: relationships, an innovative approach to teaching and having the highest expectations. To inspire and challenge our children, through a safe and happy learning environment, to achieve excellent standards in DT including all aspects of the National Curriculum objectives for DT. Our innovative approaches are aimed at ensuring that all children, regardless of background or circumstance, are excited and engaged in learning about Design Technology.  We aim to inspire our children to become independent, creative problem solvers, through an inspiring and practical DT curriculum. Learning is real, relevant, and purposeful, and provides opportunities where our children develop skills to think as individuals and as part of a team. Children develop practical skills of assembling, fixing, constructing, and designing. Our children have the opportunity to experience new and exciting things. We support our children’s learning through nurturing relationships, resulting in confident, inquisitive learners, who ask questions and are driven to extend their own knowledge. We ensure that any gaps in learning are closed and that all pupils meet or exceed age related expectations in DT. We strive to prepare and inspire children for further learning in DT in secondary school and beyond. 

Our Implementation 

In EYFS, DT is taught through a play-based approach. Children have access to a wide range of construction and design materials, including access to a woodwork skills area, which also teaches children how to use equipment and tools safely. junk modelling, blocks, and large-scale construction items outside provide opportunities for children to build/construct for a purpose. Children also have access to a variety of open-ended materials, to inspire original ideas and imaginative play. New vocabulary is taught and revisited, alongside access to high quality texts to enhance ideas. 

In KS1 and KS2, our creative and innovative approach to the curriculum ensures that design technology is delivered using high quality resources, through learning cycle work, planting the seed and harvesting of learning. DT is a subject driver for at least one learning cycle each year. Learning is enabled by positive, nurturing relationships, which support children to challenge themselves and discover new and exciting ways to do things. Knowledge organisers are used to ensure key knowledge and vocabulary is introduced. Teachers ensure that knowledge organisers build on previous learning and that pupils remember their learning by revisiting previously taught skills. There are opportunities for children to learn both indoors and outdoors. The Opportunities Pledge ensures that every child has access to a wide range of opportunities that enhance the curriculum. Children’s work evidence high expectations in DT. 


  • Our children become resilient learners, who rise to the challenges faced in their creative work.  
  • Our children will be proud of their work, celebrating success as an individual and as part of a team. 
  • Children will acquire practical skills such as assembling, fixing, constructing, and designing, and personal skills such as perseverance, self-belief, teamwork, and reflective practice skills, which will transfer through the entire curriculum and everyday life. 

Regular monitoring of Design and Technology is undertaken by Kayleigh Beaver (DT subject leader).