Thornton Dale C of E Primary School

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Our Intent

Our approach to teaching Art is rooted in the three elements of our school vision.  

  • Our Art curriculum motivates and inspires children through a positive learning environment. Children are able to take risks and feel happy and safe to do so. Our Art curriculum ensures that children experiment with different methods and different media, to allow them to achieve their desired outcome. Children are encouraged to evaluate their own art work, as well as the artwork of others, further deepening their understanding of Art and Design.  
  • Our innovative approach to teaching is built on the foundations of a curious and creative curriculum, where children's interests, ideas and opinions are valued. Children's individuality is celebrated within Art and staff encourage children to express themselves in a creative way.   
  • Staff have the highest expectations of all children and skills are revisited and developed year after year. to ensure that children remember more. Children are encouraged to have high expectations of themselves and believe that they can achieve the best that they can possibly achieve. Children are encouraged to take pride in their work and celebrate their achievements. Opportunities to display their work allow for children to articulate their creations, using recently taught vocabulary to explain the process of their artwork as well as what has influenced their decision-making. 
  • Children study a wealth of artists and art genres, developing their understanding of  how it can reflect and shape our history, contributing to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.


Our Implementation

In EYFS, Art is taught through a play-based curriculum. Children are provided with opportunities to explore a wide range of media and materials in their environment. Adults pose questions, scaffolding children’s learning and encouraging them to evaluate their own work.   

From Years 1 to 6, Art is taught through our Learning cycle approach. Wde understand the need for depth and consolidation within Art and allow time for children to research, experiment, design, make and evaluate

The National curriculum objectives act as the trunk for our Art curriculum. Whilst at Thornton Dale, children develop their drawing, painting and sculpting skills.  Our overview and long term plan is carefully mapped to ensure that knowledge, skills and vocabulary build on year by year. 

Whilst at Thornton Dale, children develop their drawing, painting and sculpting skills.  Our overview and long term plan is carefully mapped to ensure that disciplinary and substantive knowledge progress each year (see  document below).  

High quality texts and a range of contemporary and modern artists are used to inspire and motivate children.   

Sketchbooks are used from Year 1 to Year 6.  

Our Art curriculum is ambitious for all, including those with SEND and those who are disadvantaged. Frequent opportunities to revisit knowledge and skills ensure that any gaps are closed. 

Our Impact

  •  Children are confident in expressing themselves and their ideas.
  • Children explore and understand a range of media
  • Children are proud of their creations.
  • Children’s creative skills are transferable across the curriculum and their creative flare is evident in all aspects of learning 

Regular monitoring is undertaken by the Art subject Lead, Danielle Collins.