Thornton Dale C of E Primary School

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0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

Hedgehog Class is made up of Reception. 

Early Years at Thornton Dale is exciting, aspirational and aims to ignite children's curiosity and enthusiasm. Our Reception children learn through a  play-based approach.  Our provision is child-led and in the moment, with the children's interests and ideas being at the centre of our practice. 

Our children are strong, inquisitive learners who ooze independence. Our classroom culture ensures that they become critical learners who face challenge with resilience. Positive relationships are an integral part of what we do in EYFS and as a result, children are aware of themselves and others' beliefs, needs and interests. Our children are kind and respectful. 

You can read our EYFS Curriculum here.

Photos of our classroom are below:

Please see an example of our timetable below:

Additional Information:

- We will be administering the Reception Baseline assessment within the first six weeks of children starting Reception. The RBA is an age-appropriate assessment of early mathematics and literacy, communication and language and will be conducted 1:1 with a familiar adult. Further information will be sent to parents prior to the administration of the assessment. 

- We encourage children to bring a bottle into school which contains water. Please make sure this is named clearly.

- PE will commence in Autumn 2: information about PE kits can be found here.


Our Newsletters:

Autumn 1 Autumn 2: Spring 1: Spring 2: Summer 1: Summer 2:
08.09.23 10.11.23 12.01.24 12/04/24 07/06/24
15.09.23 17.11.23 19.01.24 01/03/24 19/04/24 14/06/24
22.09.23 24.11.23 26.01.24 08/03/24 26/04/24 21/06/24
29.09.23 1.12.23 02.02.24 15/03/24 03/05/24 28/06/24
06.10.23 08.12.23 09/02/24 22/03/24 10/05/24 05/07/24
13.10.23 15.12.23 17/05/24 12/07/24
20.10.23 22.12.23 24/05/24

Please see below our RE Knowledge Organisers:


Autumn 1 - Which stories are special and why?

Autumn 2 - Which people are special and why?

Spring 1 - Which places are special and why?

Spring 2 - Which times are special and why?

Summer 1 - Where do we belong?

Summer 2 - What is special about our world?